what I do as an okr consultant.


I´m convinced that companies need a common framework.

I believe in bottom-up input and empowerment.

I think that OKRs are useless without connection to a great vision and strategy as well as a full implementation into your colleague´s daily business.



There is plenty of free literature, YouTube videos and best practice about OKRs available. So what makes a difference? It´s not just about the basics. Your individual organization, your meeting culture, your people, your current management style, your tools and the way you prepare and formulate OKRs are key to accelerate outcome. You first need to know what determines your priorities. 


I am based in munich, Germany. Most of my clients are based in Europe. 

Packages to implement or improve objectives and key results in your organisation

Option 1. OKR Basic Training ( on-site workshops or via Hangout, Skype)


I do offer basic training and coaching about OKR technique and the methodology. You will get a full overview, individual recommendations and your questions answered. Basic Trainings are also a common starting point for a full implementation process to set expectations right and make sure that the knowhow level is the same. Group sizes should not extend 15 employees. 



Option 2. OKR Implementation Process ( on-site workshops)


The full process is proven with thousands of employees and minimizes the risks of implementing such a common framework.


Step 1: Starting point is a workshop with the leadership team to define individual needs and rules. Further we make sure that the connection towards vision and strategy is solid enough.  


Step 2: Basic training is being conducted with the extended Management Circle. Further we make sure that all preparations for the OKR creation process are being started.


Step 3: OKR creation and alignment workshop with extended management circle


Step 4: Review and finalising OKR sets and cascaded sets of level 2/3


Step 5: Coaching function during evaluation of first OKR period and preparation of next period



Option 3. OKR Coaching ( on-site workshops or remotely via Hangout, Skype)


Happy to help fully individual when it comes to questions, best practice, challenges or quality issues around OKRs. This often refers to a weak vision and strategy where I´m able to contribute valuable thoughts from the outside.


Typical topics and questions are:

  • Why and how do I detach OKRs from individual bonus?
  • How do I actually prepare and run OKR definition workshops with my team?
  • We implemented OKRs and lack impact. What are the reasons?
  • Parts of our team work with Scrum, how do we connect OKRs to Scrum?